This Friday, a new show started called Sounds Like Friday Night. Hosted by Greg James and Dotty, two hosts from Radio 1 and Radio 1Xtra respectively, the idea was the show would be similar to Top of the Pops. For those not from the UK, Top of the Pops was THE show to watch on a Friday if you wanted to know who was number one that week, whether it be albums or singles. Bad News: It got cancelled in 2006. Good News: it is still shown over Christmas and New Year.
Anyway, back to Sounds Like Friday Night. It was...Ok. I liked the introduction of the celebrity co-host, which, for the first episode, was Jason Derulo, which I think is a nice touch. Furthermore, I thought the main hosts fitted right in. One thing I found was they didn't seem uncomfortable when interviewing the guests. Okay, they are DJs after all, so they do this for a living anyway but sometimes I find that even those in the music profession can look awkward as a music programme host. The other good thing about Greg James and Dotty is that they are current. People will know them (well, people who manly listen to Radio 1 and 1xtra) and they both know their stuff about all types of music: Rock, Grime, Pop, everything. Perfect!
The problem I had was it felt a bit rushed. If anything, I would have preferred an hour rather than half an hour, as I feel they would be able to put more in, such as music and interviews. It would also enable more music videos, singles and albums to be previewed, rather than one music video by a random guest, one song each from the musical guests and two songs from the guest presenter.
So...overall...what did I think of it? Well, for someone who used to watch Top of the Pops, it's a disappointment. However, I think we can all agree that we need a music show that the whole family can sit down and watch together and Sounds Like Friday Night fits the need almost perfectly. Yes, there are a few things that would make it better, but overall, it's good light hearted entertainment...Sounds Like Friday Night to me!
Em x
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